The Club's annual budget and subscriptions are set at the last management committee meeting of the calendar year.
Fees are set to cover the likely costs of running the Club throughout the next year, resulting in the same monthly squad fees. These take account of bank holidays and other expected changes to the training programme that might occur during each month (for example, to allow for Club Championships to take place). No discounts are offered during months when changes to the usual training programme have to be made.
As of 1st September 2019, EDSC's only method of payment to the Club is via Direct Debit and GoCardless through our SwimClub Manager portal. The advantages of this method are as follows:
- It is the cheapest method of electronic payment for both members and the Club;
- Subscription payments are monthly so there is better cash flow for both members and the Club;
- Less admin for members and our volunteers as all payments are taken automatically and acknowledged against the relevant member;
- A Direct Debit mandate takes 2 minutes to complete;
- That same mandate can remain active throughout a swimmer's time at the Club, even if your bank account changes;
- Much greater protection for members with the Direct Debit Guarantee.
Members are therefore expected to make all payments to the Club using Direct Debit.
- Upon joining all members are required to set up a Direct Debit mandate as per our instructions;
- An active mandate must be maintained throughout your membership;
- Subscription invoices are issued on the 21st of the month and are due on the 28th with payment automatically being taken on or around the 4th*;
- With exception to coaches decisions, individual requests to change squad/discipline must be made 1 month before they wish the change to happen;
- Cancelling a mandate associated with a member will result in an assumption that they no longer wish to be a member of the club.
* an exception to this is for the Masters Swim Clinic where invoices are issued on the 1st. The amount due is adjusted to reflect attendance during the previous month with payment being taken on or around the 14th.
If you or your child no longer wishes to be a member of the Club, we ask that you complete the following 3 steps:
- Return all Club property to the Club (typically trophies that are presented annually);
- With 1 month's notice, for Competitive Swimmers, contact either the Development Coach or Head Coach, or in the case of Masters or Synchro, the relevant discipline manager;
- If you have other members that wish to continue at EDSC DO NOT CANCEL your Direct Debit (if you give 1 month's notice money will not be taken for the member that wishes to leave).